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Homes Furniture Ideas

Another Picnic Table: a Picnic Table with Easy Chair as Its Additional Feature

Another Picnic Table Straschnownieuwendijk

If you could not find something you need, then you have to build it. Perhaps, that is what was on the mind of Wouter Nieuwendijk and Jair Straschnow when they realize that there is no easy chair in parks. Another Picnic Table is the name of the project. The talented designer duo invented a new way to enjoy outdoor gathering. They brought together the idea of combining picnic table with the easy chair, they worked around together and this picnic table is the result for their collaboration. This picnic table is simply beautiful and functional too.

Another Picnic Table Beautiful and Functional

Another Picnic Table is a picnic table that has additional functionality as an easy chair. This is great idea. Without much effort, we can enjoy the variations offered by this table. The first one is as picnic table. We are not going to see bench this time, but the designers decided to replace the bench with separated seats for easier access. This way we will have an option to use the seat, which becomes the second variation offered by this picnic table. Coming with natural appearance, Another Picnic Table can go very well in almost any environment. The material used to build this picnic table is environmentally-friendly too. It is bamboo.

Another Picnic Table with Natural Appearance

Another Picnic Table Offer Relaxed Low Seating Position

Another Picnic Table with Multifuntion Ideas

Another Picnic Table with Separated Seats for Easier Access
