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Homes Furniture Ideas

Create Special Bond with Child Using the Steps Bench

Step Bench Square Wooden Bench with Stool by Kohdai Iwamoto

The latest invention in furniture becomes more innovative. This is an important thing for us because that means designers become more creative when striving to fulfill unique demands of clients. The Step Bench is a perfect example of creativity in furniture world. Kohdai Iwamoto designed this bench in a way that allows parents to create great connection to their child starting from early age. As we all know, parents play huge role in child’s development, and this Steps bench offers an opportunity to parents to be in a position where they can play their role as parent.

Step Bench Four Legged Bench with Stool Fit the Hole of Seat

Steps Bench is designed to be versatile furniture piece that can fulfill the need of parents about seating system solution. This bench allows the parent to be very close to the child while watching the child’s activity. There is no age limitation for this bench, as it has the versatility to accommodate the need of both the child and parent. “Placing the stool under the hole of seat, it is a table for the child. When the child grows a little older, they can sit next to each other at the same level by fitting the stool back into the hole.”, quoted from the designer about how to use Steps Bench. It is a four-legged bench made of beech with the hole on one side to hold the stool made of urethane foam covered in colorful fabric.

Steps Bench as Seating System Solution for Child Development
