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Homes Furniture Ideas

Creatively Chamfered Beam creating the REMshelf by Tadej Podakar and Luke Fabjan

Creatively Chamfered Beam creating the REMshelf

Working together makes a tough job easy. In home decoration, we can easily find example for that saying, and REMLshelf is just one from many examples available. Coming from the idea of creating elegant shelving unit that combines simplicity, usability and quality, Tadej Podakar, an architecture student resides in Slovenia, and Luke Fabjan of TRIpike work together creating this REMLshelf. This shelving unit can serve as wall hanger while also providing the users enough space for storage for small objects.

[youtube id=”7VcHyYCaCcM” width=”620″ height=”360″]

If you were interested to have this kind of shelving unit, you can follow the making process of REMLshelf shared below.

First, we need to prepare the materials. The project uses Slovenian larch trees cut into 80cm long basic forms. After that, we need to chamfer one of the edges. This way we can get the attractive final form of shelve. From this initial making process, we can get the REML that shows the massiveness, solidity and structure of the wood. We can use this single REML for mall shelving we think needs one. It can be either in the kitchen, bathroom or the entrance of the home. To get the REMshelf, we need to connect seven REMs. Have a nice try.

Creatively Chamfered Beam creating the REMshelf

Creatively Chamfered Beam creating the REMshelf

Creatively Chamfered Beam creating the REMshelf

Creatively Chamfered Beam creating the REMshelf

Creatively Chamfered Beam creating the REMshelf
